Trump’s Abortion Response Baffles Fox News 2016

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Trump had his terrible comments about abortion, most people, even on the right, a lot of people are attacking him.  They are using this as a chance to say he's not actually pro-life, he says what he thinks they want to hear but does not understand their thought process.  But he has his defenders, both his actual supporters and some in the media, especially on fox news.  We will turn to fox and friends, which has an interesting excuse for why he might have said what he said. They talked to Chris Matthews about nuclear weapons in the middle east, and he talked to him about abortion.  When you know a more experienced candidate, because Donald trump was making $1 billion, while everyone else was running for office, most candidates would say I'm not here to talk about abortion. 

We can talk about it another time. But those are largely political questions, and he has to answer those, but nonetheless, he only became a politician about six or seven months ago. This is new for him. People like him because he is lurching as he goes and he is not the establishment. All three of those people are so silly. The notion that any candidate, when asked the question, would say I'm not here to talk about abortion -- republicans love talking about abortion.  They are here to talk about abortion.  So that is a ridiculous premise to open with.  But then Steve,because people say something because they think they have to, says he is new at this. He's only a 68-year-old man who has been running for president for six or seven months. Why would he have a position on an issue --by the way, Donald trump ran for president in 2000. That is right, on the reform party. He is not new to this. And it is not about detailed tariff pros and cons, it makes you think women should be able to exercise their constitutional rights to reproductive freedom? and why the hell is it okay for him to be new to this here,but when he is talking about foreign policy, it doesn't matter that he is new to this, we need to have better people with foreign policy. These fox people are so hypocritical about Donald trump. Internally hypocritical.  

            It wasn't that like you shouldn't have to say anything just because the last thing he said was bad -- that is the part we don't like.  But they are fine with him saying it should be banned nationally.  So he is new enough that he doesn't know how long you should go to jail, but he has been around long enough to know that we should change established a constitutional law for the past four or five decades.  That is a weird -- and the woman defending him, I don know her name, he is saying he wants to take away your right,the right of your friends, statistically it is almost certainly the case that she knows at least one woman who has had an abortion, he wants to take it away, possibly throw her in jail for committing murder, but he is new.  Is exciting, that's what people like him.  But that was not the only fox show that was supporting him.  Fox generally is anti-trump, but a number of hosts are sticking with him.  We also have Andrea tan tarps, she doesn't even blame Chris Matthews, she blames someone else entirely. He walked into exactly what Hillary Clinton wanted him to walk into, which is a trap.  She can talk and push out in mailers and they can get their upcoming gender war, which is exactly what they want. I love that it is a trap, he said it should be banned, the natural follow-up is, what is the consequence for violating that ban? That is a trap. That is not him not having an answer, that is a trap from Hillary Clinton, who wasn't even there. That is a stupid thing to say. She is right about one point, which is that it sets up gender war that Republicans don't want and democrats do. But she is saying it falsely sets up a gender war. And this has nothing to do with the gender war. The gender war existed already before Donald trump came along, he just happened to make it work.
 I have news for you, asking him how long they should go to jail or what their fine should be, that does not set up this phantom of the gender war.  Saying you are going to try to make it illegal nationally, that sets up the gender war.  She should not be pissed at Hillary Clinton, she should be pissed Donald trump. And we also have a supporter of Donald trump who has a similar opinion about who is to blame. It is so far outside the mainstream, even pro-life thinking, where did he come up with that?I think you have to look at the context and situation he was in.  This is a typical trap that a lot of democrats and liberal media do when they ask this question amongst a pro-lifer, a conservative.  There is no easy answer out of it because it is camp located situation because it is a complex issue.  And I think the fact that Mr.  Trump realized immediately after he got off how it would be misconstrued, and issued the clarification --was it misconstrued? He said women should be punished.  He was clear about it.  Not doctors, women. And him, I think he completely misspoke and realizes he misspoke. That is obvious they not what he means. If he misspoke, he was given the opportunity to clarify when Chris Matthews asked the follow-up question. He was specific, he said, the women? And Donald trump said, yes. I also like her, who I met in Miami and one of the debates recently, when she says it is obviously not what he meant --how is that obvious? How do we know anything about Donald trump, it is obvious? To me, it is obvious he is not pro-life. But it is only obvious to me because I don't think he is. Because we have read his other quotes. And there is a history to it.  So the people who come to his defense, like Hughes, come to his defense without really knowing what the truth is behind it. Or not caring. Trump is not caring. They don't seem to care that he doesn't have a strong position. Absolutely, they don't care, as long as he is the guy.  It doesn't matter what he says.  And you notice that when you go to these -- I think you should get out there and go to a trump really, because you see it doesn't matter who is on stage security, all this -- you look at the people in those crowds and you see what they react to and how they talk to one another, it is astonishing. It is something you don't see in America very often. It is, even more, substance-freer than most people in America are. But there is a blind devotion.  You go to any other event, and I have seen every single candidate up close and personal in the past eight or nine months, you see them questioning their guy or their woman. Or disagreeing with them on certain things. That is what I mean.  And talking to us about, I'm here --you were in Iowa, people in Iowa will drive 340 miles to see someone they are not going to vote for.  They are into it, some of them.  But the idea that they can question the candidate they are supporting or doubt them is great.
But that is not happening with a trump. Many people have said one unifying characteristic of trump supporters is a predisposition for the authoritarian personality, which is opposed to questioning authority figures. And the final thing from the quote is, it is classic liberal media. She said trap, too. Maybe the email went out.  Are classic liberal media tactics, it is a commentator issue and you want us to say what the punishment should be? I do want you to because you are the one saying we should ban it.  If you want to take 10 years ago with much to think tanks and work on it and figure it out because it is such a complicated issue, figure out what the punishment should be, then push for the changes in the law, then you could avoid this liberal media trap.  But when you are saying we should ban it when we don't even know what the consequence would be, you look like a moron, not Chris Matthews.

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